31 December 2010

the end beginning

So we find ourselves at the end of another year. On the very precipice of something new. A new year holds so much promise and possiblity. There is no past yet, only 365 days new experiences, lessons and life abundant. Who knows what's in store?
For me, a new year usually brings something of a new chapter in my life and this year is no exception. I've completed my university qualification and graduated and am now looking for my very first 'real job'. As exciting as that is, it's also really daunting. It's a new season in my life. A season that means I have to leave the old, familiar one behind and start one that I can't see past the bend in the road. Yet it's times that these that I hold His hand just that little bit tighter because I can't do it on my own. And His faithfullness is great, with strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
Here's to new seasons. Happy New Year!

25 December 2010

a christmas post

I have a love-hate relationship with Christmas. I suppose that sounds like such a terrible statement, but hear me out. By the time you've finished reading this you may even agree with me. Who knows.
I love Christmas because it's a celebration and I love celebrations. More importantly, it's a celebration of the greatest gift our Father in heaven ever gave us - his son. I can't even imagine what that would be like and even trying to get myself into that kind of headspace is just bewildering. My comprehension at his sacrifice is humbling. The Father's sacrifice of his son and the Son's sacrifice of his life. How could he choose that? I mean, I love those that I love but dying for them when they have wronged and hurt me causes serious hesitation. Simply said, I don't deserve what He did for me. That is why I love Christmas. Because even though I don't deserve forgiveness, he still chose to come in human form, experience humanity and die in my stead. How mindblowing.
But I hate Christmas because of what has been lost in the meaning of why we celebrate. I hate that gifts, shopping and a man in a red suit have become the reason that so many people love the Christmas season. And I hate that so many have forgotten to celebrate what He did for us. I'm so saddened to realize that for many people around the world, they don't know the reason why we celebrate.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. May the revelation of what God did for us at Christmas resonate throughout the coming year. Enjoy the celebration with all that it entails!

17 December 2010

there and back again

Gasp! It has been more than a month since I last posted anything in my corner of cyberspace. Almost enough time to possibly find the end of the world and fall off it. But thankfully, no. Despite my absence, I'm finally home for enough time to actually find the time to put my fingers to a keyboard and type something. If you've been wondering what I've been up to during the last five weeks...well, actually, I can't fit it all in here. It would get boring after awhile. Needless to say, I've been on holiday with my wonderful cousin, aunt and mother. We've enjoyed each others company tremendously and have done a seriously healthy amount of laughing! Funny, we're not sick of each other yet [I'm not sure others (more specifically, onlookers) would say the same]. Anycase, here's hoping the gap between now and my next post won't be so long. In the meantime, here's a few snapsnots of my adventures:

Notice anything wrong with my helmet?? Title of my post ring any bells? Travelling in a car can sometimes be pretty monotonous. We did a bit of reading to while the time:)

13 November 2010

this is a public service announcement:

Jo-Ann is currently away on a much needed, much anticipated break to a place where the sun shines and where good times and laughs are mandatory.

She will be back in twelve days with memories, pictures and hopefully, a tan!

02 November 2010

a peek into my week

Hello and welcome:-) I'm so glad you're here. If you found me via YLCF, thank you for taking the time to stop by:-) I thought I'd give a little bit of background before diving in. First off, if you'd like to read a little about who I am beforehand, you're welcome to go to the 'about' page first then come back and read this. It might put a few things into context. Or not, that's fine too. Also, I found out about this last Tuesday and thought I might as well write about the week as it was happening. I (hopefully) didn't include any boring details, but for the most part, I've pretty much highlighted each days events as they were being lived. So this is a typical, non-typical week for me. Enjoy!


Monday 25th October:

The 25th of October in New Zealand is a public holiday. Nice for some. I didn't get much of a holiday out of it. I spent most of the day working on an assignment. I got it done then headed across town to drop it off and when I got onto campus, found out that all the buildings were locked. Dah, it's a public holiday. Still, my outline has the 25th as the due date. I go to the library, which is the only place that's open (and quite busy as a result) and find out that it's acceptable to hand the assignment the next day (today actually, as I'm writing on Tuesday). So I head back home and procrastinate a bit before getting on with the next assignment. Did I mention that it's due on Tuesday? It was a late night. I did manage to spend a little bit of time hanging out in the garden where my parents spent the day and took some nice photos. Here are a few:

Tuesday 26th October:

So it's Tuesday and I've finished the assignment that's meant to be handed in today. I drive to university and half-way there I realize I forgot the other one that I tried to hand in yesterday at home. So I turn around and go back to pick it up. A quick dash in the house and I'm back on the road. I get to uni and log on to the computer so I can print the assignment out and find out I didn't save it in the right format and have to go back home to print it. Why didn't I just do that in the first place??? Anyway, I hand it in and YAY, two less things on the brain that gets worried over! Did I mention that I've got another one due...tomorrow! Better get crack-a-lacking!

Wednesday 27th October:
I woke up this morning with the majority of my assignment still to do. I went to bed early last night cause I had a splitting headache. 300 words done with 1200 minimum left to write. Thankfully I was prepared and had a plan so I sat down and wrote the remainder in three hours. Add the two from last night and that's a total of five hours to complete an assignment start to finish. Now, I know what you're thinking. How can she possibly write a 1500 word assignment like that in five hours? Well folks, ordinarily I wouldn't but this one was a report that was entirely based on my own opinion and results from an project that I had to undertake. The work was done. It just needed to be written up. Thus, five short hours of work and it was ready to be handed in. And here it is:

Keep in mind that I had to blur it on purpose because of the details on the page. But there you go. This is a monumental moment right here. Why, you ask? Because it's the very last assignment I ever have to hand in. Ever. No more. And I am celebrating tonight. And we're having ice cream sundaes at bible study tonight. What convenient timing! Could my day get any better?

Thursday 28th October:

Thursday = a good day. Early start today but it didn't matter. My lovely mother and I had a coffee this morning in the mall before it got busy and I bought one of these:
I had a class then popped into the computer room before I left campus and bumped into a friend. How lovely. I love when I bump into friends unexpectantly. It made my already good day even better. I went into town and paid a visit to the library to find some books about how to play the ukulele. Then I drove to the other side of town because I had a long overdue hair appointment. And I was a very happy girl when I walked out of there!

Friday 29th October:

As you can imagine, I spent the day playing with my new toy! And I bought some canvas for a little project I'm starting soon. I'm planning a separate post for that. (Don't hold me to it, but within the next two weeks) And I also went out to dinner with my family and good family friends who are moving away in a few weeks. It was a lovely evening out with lots of memorable moments:-) Like my mother giving greek dancing and the limbo a go! Haha, good times.

Saturday 30th October:
It's been a day of chores. My list of to-dos include:

- washing (and lots of it)

- fold the washing

- a general clean-up of my room

- vacuum the house

and I know that doesn't seem like a lot but I spent the day getting through that list because those chores have been neglected for awhile (especially the tidy room part)! My final week of university work has definitely taken precedence over chores! I also finally posted the contents of my bag. If you're curious.

Sunday 31st October:

Today my mother and I spent some time shopping for gifts for family whom we haven't seen in ages and are going to be visiting at the end of the month. Thankfully it wasn't too painful a search. You know how sometimes gifts are so incredibly difficult to buy for people when you're not sure what to get them?

And I went to church. What can I say? It was awesome!


So there you have it. That was my week. If you've made it down this far, congrats! If you've made or are going to make a contribution to the Peek into Your Week at YLCF, I hope to read yours soon. (And if you're thinking about it - do it!) I have made it my mission to read every single one. I can't promise to comment on each but they will certainly all be read:-)

31 October 2010


I don't have a lot of words today or a great story to share, but this pretty much sums up how I feel about grace:

Grace is...
...and I don't deserve it, don't need it and don't want it.
Yet He still offers it. Grace is love of an unconditional brand.

I'm linking with Emily at Chatting at the Sky for the 31 days of grace series

30 October 2010

what's in my bag?

A while ago, I was tagged (thank you, Abbie) to do a what's in my purse post. My life has been a whirlwind of busy lately so it's taken me longer than I had hoped to do this. But finally I'm getting around to it.

To start off with, I just want to say that I call my purse a bag (short for handbag) and my wallet a purse. Just to clarify :-)

So lets get started:

This is my bag

And my purse



Tissues - very handy


Glasses cleaning cloth




An assortment of lip products

Hand cream in an easy-to-carry size

And my camera. What a great reflection from the computer's screen for me to show it to you:-)

And that's it. The contents of my bag revealed! Hope you enjoyed it. I had lots of fun doing it.

NB: I just realized that I totally forgot to tag anyone for this. So, if you'd like to give this a go because it looks like fun (it is!) then you're tagged. Let me know so I can read it:-)

26 October 2010



mercy ~ freedom ~ favour

22 October 2010

i spoke too soon

I've gone and changed it again!

I just said two days ago that no major overhaul was in the pipeline. Guess even I don't know what to expect around here.

20 October 2010


A year ago today, I wrote my very first post. You can go back and look at it if you like, but I'll warn you it's nothing amazing. I had no idea what shape this little piece of bloggyness would take, let alone considering I would stick to it for a year to find out. In saying that, I can't overlook the enormous gap of six months between October and April when there was not a single post written. I never started out with the intention of wowing the world with my amazing writing and fantastically witty and intelligent thoughts. And since I don't claim to be a great writer or philosopher, (which I still don't think I am) it has been nice just to express my thoughts and life happenings no matter how mundane and uninspired they are. They always seem very inspired in my mind but never come out onto the page the same way they start off in the brain. Mind you, I'm not much of a brain person. I'm more of a heart person. I've discovered the heart provides much more depth than the brain and my best writing almost always stems from a heart thought rather than a brain thought. Lets hope I'll keep that in mind for the future of my blogging journey.

Since I started blogging, this little blog of mine has taken on more design changes than I care to admit to. I'm just saying, don't be surprised if you visit and I've done a complete overhaul. Not that I plan to do anything remotely like a full makeover right now;) I've also had several name changes so who knows, one day that might change again too! But essentially, behind the aesthetics, (which I love tinkering with) this feels like home now and I've got no plans to leave.

Highlights from this first year of blogging include considering what it might be like to die, a post dedicated to my pajamas, a once typical day in my life, the beginning of counting a thousand gratitude's, a failed challenge, a blog award (which by the way, I didn't have anyone to tag so if you'd like to be tagged, I tag you. Let me know so I can read it!) very boring study related procrastinations (one of which was creating another blog altogether) and surviving a rather decent sized earthquake! And my favourite posts ever (which I am the most proud of) are here and here. I think I've made a great start, but to be honest, as much as I've enjoyed documenting my own life during the past year, I'm so excited about what's still to come. I'd love it if you'd join me:-) No pressure! And for those of you that have read anything of my blog before now, thanks for giving me the time of day. This random, average, slightly nerdy girl appreciates it very much:-)

18 October 2010


If a picture were to tell a story, what would this one say?

04 October 2010

under a blossom sky

Today I'm thankful for:
- A newly fixed roof
- Four days of work that I really needed (however did you know?!)
- A secure future
- Seeking you in the dark, quiet, secret spaces (they're the best)
- Making me smile
- Children's laughter and joy (Why do we think that we teach children when they have so much to teach us?)
- Renewed grace every day (I so don't deserve it!)
- Knowing exactly who I am (every single crazy contridiction)
- For spring
- For blossom trees
- And for hope that blooms afresh
- I am thankful for You being You and always being that way:-)

Counting #44-55 of one thousand gifts with Ann Voskamp and others @ Holy Experience.


I just created a new blog.
I wonder why?
Go here to find out more!

Update: I deleted it. I give no other explaination but that it was created out of sheer boredom and procrastination and was therefore, stupid.

02 October 2010

on a saturday afternoon

Just for fun and because I'm currently procrastinating...

My lovely mum and I went for a little drive the other week to a lake with a beautiful restaurant and had lunch. It was special. Mother daughter time always is:)

Isn't the view just divine?? And I just had to make it a bit arty by including the wine glass in the shot. And as a random side note, that was the best glass of wine I've had in ages! Beautiful.

And amongst photos of beautiful landscapes on the drive back home...

We encountered...well, this.

It made us laugh so much :D
And that's about all that I want to say. Because I feel guilty about procrastinating so I should go and do the thing that I'm really meant to be doing right now aka writing an essay!!

29 September 2010

is Jesus enough?

This challenged me so much.
It's a bit long, but I hope you'll take a few minuets to read it.
I think you'll find it's worth the time invested:-)

“After they had eaten, Jesus asked Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these other things?'” (John 21:15)

If Jesus was all you had, would Jesus be enough for you?

Many precious believers are in love with the things of the Lord, but they are not in love with the Lord Himself. Many Christian workers and ministers are in love with the Lord's work. Almost without realizing it, the work of the Lord becomes more important than the Lord of the work.
There are prophets and teachers who hold words from God in higher esteem than the God Who speaks the works they attribute as bveing from Him. People seek these works and teachings. The more they receive, the more they want. Before one word is digested they are craving another. They are seeking “things” - words, prophecies, teachings, visions, dreams – but they are not seeking the Lord Himself.

Is Jesus enough?

When the saints gather togetherr most of the activity is focused on “one another”. This is important, but it is not the most important thing. Fellowship is good: but is Jesus enough? Gatherings are good: but is Jesus enough? Meetings are good: but is Jesus enough? Special speakers and special music are good: but is Jesus enough? Even with praise and worship it is possible to sing “about” Jesus and not truly worship Jesus. With preaching and it is possible to talk “about” Jsus and not truly meet Jesus in what is shared. In prayer it is possible to talk “about” our needs and never actually commune with Jesus Himself. Among Christians I have discovered something. There is Jesus, and then there are all the things ABOUT Jesus that are NOT Jesus. Jesus Himself occupies only a small portion of what is said and done in Christian circles. Most of what is said and done is merely ABOUT Jesus, but it is NOT Jesus. I have learned that stress, strife, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, bitterness, anger, hurt, misunderstanding, and confusion comes from everything said and done by religious people ABOUT the Lord, and IN THE NAME of the Lord, that does not, in fact, have anything to do with Jesus Himself.

How much of your focus is directed to the things of God, and not to God Himself? How much of your discussion centers on things about Jesus, and not Jesus Himself? Just look around. This brother is focused on end-time events, and that sister is devoted to inner healing. This brother is primarily concerned with prophetic thing, while another sister is keenly interested in spiritual warfare. That brother is deeply involved with theological discussions, while that sister is in love with Christian music. One movementemphasizes this particualar thing, and another group stands for another thing. There may be diversities of gifts and callings. There may be various and sundry things to be involved with. There may be many topics to study and discuss. Many things compete for our time, attention, affection, energy, and money. But there is only one Lord Jesus. Just as some people cannot see the forest for the trees, I believe most sinners cannot see Jesus for the Christians. And I blieve most Christians cannot see Jesus for the “church”.

Is Jesus enough?

Whenever I am ministering to pastors, whatever they think their calling is, I always have them turn to Mark 3:14: “And he ordained twelve, that they sould BE WITH HIM, and that He might send them forth to preach.” You are called to be with Jesus. That is your calling. That is the primary thing, the highest ministry. Going forth to preach or do anything else is of secondary importance. We should be with Jesus; after that, He might send us forth to preach. But before Jesus said, “Go into all the world” He said, “Be with Me.” The call of this not more important than the Lord of the call. The work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work. No amount of ministeing FOR the Lord will make up for a lack of ministering TO the Lord. And knowing the Word of God does not necessarily mean that we know the God of the Word. Everyone wants to go and do something for God, but few people are willing to stay and do “nothing” for Him. Jesus asked Peter, “Am I enough for You? Do you love Me more than everything else? Do you love Me more than you love the things about Me?” A few weeks later, when Peter stood with John before the religious rulers to expain the healing of a man who had never walked, “...they marveled; and they took knowledge of [Peter and John], that THEY HAD BEEN WITH JESUS” (Acts 4:13b).

If we will be with Jesus, then Jesus will be with us. The reason the New Testament church had power was not because they spoke in tongues, or held meetings in their living rooms, or had a certain system for planting churches. The secret was they had been with Jesus. But some Christians are more in love with methods and ministries than they are in love with the Man. The prophets and teachers in the church of Antioch were gathered to gether: not to have a house church conference, not to begin a new ministry, not to discuss the latest prophetic word or the newest teaching, not the exchange ideas on how to grow the church, not to fellowship, not to share a meal, not to minister to one another. But “as they ministered TO THE LORD, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said...(Acts 13:2a). Paul and his fellow workers had many souls to save, many disciples to make, many churches to plact, many places to visit, many messages to deliver, many letters to write. There were many needs to be met, many doors of opportunity before them. But the work was suspended. Activity ceased. Ministry came to a standstill. Fellowship and food were forgotten. The prophets were there, but the prophets did not prophesy. The teachers were there, but they did not teach. Instead, they ministered to the Lord. The focus shifted from horizontal to vertical. The emphasiswas directed away from man and man's needs, and onto the Lord and His Need. They were brsy being with Jesus. They were at His feet. So when the Holy Ghost finally spoke, they were ready to go forth. Thus began the first missionary journey of Paul.

When apostles love church planting and mission work more than Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When prophets love their prophecies, dreams, and visions more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When evangelists love traveling, preaching, and holding meetings more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When pastors love their church services and building programs more than they love Jeusus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When teachers love their teachings more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When musicians love their music more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When writers love their writings more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough.

And when the simplest disciples grow tired of “just” being with Jesus, and begin to long for something bigger, something better, something greater, something more powerful, something other than what they have in Jesus already, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough.
If Jesus was all you had, would Jesus be enough for you? Or do you have to have all the “trappings” of Christianity, all the bells and whistle, all the toys and trinkets?

Make no mistake: there is no life in the things that are ABOUT Jesus. There is life only in Jesus Himself. If you are dissatisfied and disappointed with your Christian walk today, it is only because of one thing: Jesus is not enough for you. Somewhere along the loce, something else became more important than Jesus. Maybe you have become focused on the thing ABOUT Jesus that are NOT Jesus. There is only one solution. You do not need more of the Lord, because He has already given Himself completely to you already. You just need less of everything else.

Remember. Remember what it was like to hear His Voice, to be so filled with passion and love for Him, that you wanted nothing more than to sit at His feet, and hear His Word. Remember what it was like to just be with Jesus. Go back to when Jesus first called you to be with Him. Go back to the time when all you had was Him. Go back to the time before you were planting churches, speaking prophetic words, preaching to the unsaved, pastoring the congregation, teaching the people, or leading worship. Go back to the time when there was no work, no ministry, no vision, no special calling – except Jesus calling you to be with Him. Remember when you said, “He's all I need!” So what happened?

I pray the Lord will draw us after Himself and make us thouroughly sick and tired of things – especially the things that are ABOUT Him, but are NOT Him.

God so loved the workd that He gave His Only Son, Jesus.

Well...is Jesus enough?

Written by Chip Brogden

20 September 2010


Joy is looking and comprehending nature's most beautiful gift
Albert Einstein

19 September 2010


I got exactly half way in my month challenge for September and then stopped. Just stopped. FAIL! And to be honest, since I've missed days, I'm not going to try and make up for it. It was fun but it's official, I don't do well with completing something I started. And since this is my blog, and can therefore do anything I want, I'm not going to stress about it...

15 September 2010

day fifteen - a guilty pleasure.

Not a lot of thought needed for this one:-)

14 September 2010

day fourteen - a song to play at your wedding.

I like this song regardless of whether it gets played at my wedding or not.

September Challenge

12 September 2010

day twelve - a place you'd like to revisit.

I know it says top place, but there are two top places I would like to revisit. And they are:


~and Scotland~

September Challenge

11 September 2010

day eleven - your dream holiday.

Ohhh, so many places I would love to travel to. But if I (somehow) had money tomorrow and could go anywhere in the world, I'd go to:



~the Greek Islands~

~and I'd just stop off in Fiji on my way back home~

Ahhh, the perfect holiday amidst beauty and sunshine.

September Challenge