20 May 2010

visions of 2020.

Thank you, Abbie, for awarding me with my first ever blog award! It made my day. In order to accept this particular award, I need to say where I see myself in ten years time. Well, that seems such a long time away. However, from previous experience on the contemplation of this question, it's not really such a long time in the grand scheme of things. It's really only an elusion!

So, where do I see myself in ten years time? It's now 2010, it will be 2020. It does seem odd to be thinking about 2020. So futuristic! (It is, silly - it's in the future). I would like to think by the time ten years have passed, I'm a wife and a stay-at-home mother with about two or three kids with one on the way...but how am I to know. Where I'd really like to be is exactly where God wants me to be, whether that means married with kids or doing a great job that I love, or just a job that I do. But besides the reality of my situation in life, whatever that may be, I would like to be a woman of faith, an illustration of God's goodness and faithfulness and above all, I'd just like to walk in all that God has for me. Sometimes that's a scary thought, since I don't know what that will be. But thankfully he does.

So yeah, that's where I'd like to be in ten years. I wonder what I'll acually be doing?

P.S. Abbie has a fantastic blog, which is on the list as one of my favourites! You should definitely check her out. There's a link in the sidebar. The very cool one which says "Abbie Writes". Or you can click here.

Oh yes, and one more thing. In order to get this award, I'm meant to tag others to do it too. But I don't have anyone to tag as of yet, so if you're here and you'd like to share where you see yourself in ten years - I tag YOU!! Go for it, just let me know so I can read all about it.

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