04 October 2010


I just created a new blog.
I wonder why?
Go here to find out more!

Update: I deleted it. I give no other explaination but that it was created out of sheer boredom and procrastination and was therefore, stupid.


  1. Hello! Found your blog while browsing through other's. I've read several of your posts and enjoyed them! Can't wait to come back and read more!

  2. Oh, and I especially like your I Love list! Very Cute! Is there anything sweeter than reading Beatrix Potter? :D

  3. Hi Natalie,
    I love that you found me cause I just followed the links to your blog/s and ditto! I can't wait to read more. You've just been added to my list of 'blogs I read':-)
    I know! I'm such a fan of Beatrix Potter. I know this sounds weird but I occasionally read her stories at bedtime. Who said that bedtime stories are for children?!
