01 September 2010

time for a september challenge.

Hello September!! Which also means: Hello Spring! You've been a long time coming or so it seems. The days are lengthening. How I've missed the sun's sun-shinery goodness!

September also welcomes a challenge for me (which I'll explain in a bit) and a plethora of university assignments due ON THE SAME DAY!! That being day number 24. Do I have permission to somewhat freak out about how much there is to do in so little time?! Arrrrgh!! Calm down. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm just hoping to chip away at it a little every day and then it will all magical fall into place on the day without any major stressfulness. As to the other challenge I mentioned, let me introduce to you my September Challenge: A question or piece of information to share every day for thirty days. The point is, hopefully, to share more about myself without going completely overboard and boring you. Well, that's the plan anyhow.


Well, you'd think that it would be easy to start off with, right? At first glance, I suppose it is quite a simple question but I think it's so hard for me to pick just one! But after much careful contemplation, the final pick is...

So, tough decision to narrow it down but it did ask for only one of my favourites:-)
It all really depends on my mood, which dictates the music I choose to listen to - right now, it's jazz and a bit of Ella goes down a treat.

Today I am recovering from a cold, procrastinating from doing study and desperate to do my nails. They've gone for a week with a lovely shade of orange (which I never thought I'd like but I love) and they're looking tacky. So I shall be off to do that then!

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