31 December 2010

the end beginning

So we find ourselves at the end of another year. On the very precipice of something new. A new year holds so much promise and possiblity. There is no past yet, only 365 days new experiences, lessons and life abundant. Who knows what's in store?
For me, a new year usually brings something of a new chapter in my life and this year is no exception. I've completed my university qualification and graduated and am now looking for my very first 'real job'. As exciting as that is, it's also really daunting. It's a new season in my life. A season that means I have to leave the old, familiar one behind and start one that I can't see past the bend in the road. Yet it's times that these that I hold His hand just that little bit tighter because I can't do it on my own. And His faithfullness is great, with strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow.
Here's to new seasons. Happy New Year!

25 December 2010

a christmas post

I have a love-hate relationship with Christmas. I suppose that sounds like such a terrible statement, but hear me out. By the time you've finished reading this you may even agree with me. Who knows.
I love Christmas because it's a celebration and I love celebrations. More importantly, it's a celebration of the greatest gift our Father in heaven ever gave us - his son. I can't even imagine what that would be like and even trying to get myself into that kind of headspace is just bewildering. My comprehension at his sacrifice is humbling. The Father's sacrifice of his son and the Son's sacrifice of his life. How could he choose that? I mean, I love those that I love but dying for them when they have wronged and hurt me causes serious hesitation. Simply said, I don't deserve what He did for me. That is why I love Christmas. Because even though I don't deserve forgiveness, he still chose to come in human form, experience humanity and die in my stead. How mindblowing.
But I hate Christmas because of what has been lost in the meaning of why we celebrate. I hate that gifts, shopping and a man in a red suit have become the reason that so many people love the Christmas season. And I hate that so many have forgotten to celebrate what He did for us. I'm so saddened to realize that for many people around the world, they don't know the reason why we celebrate.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. May the revelation of what God did for us at Christmas resonate throughout the coming year. Enjoy the celebration with all that it entails!

17 December 2010

there and back again

Gasp! It has been more than a month since I last posted anything in my corner of cyberspace. Almost enough time to possibly find the end of the world and fall off it. But thankfully, no. Despite my absence, I'm finally home for enough time to actually find the time to put my fingers to a keyboard and type something. If you've been wondering what I've been up to during the last five weeks...well, actually, I can't fit it all in here. It would get boring after awhile. Needless to say, I've been on holiday with my wonderful cousin, aunt and mother. We've enjoyed each others company tremendously and have done a seriously healthy amount of laughing! Funny, we're not sick of each other yet [I'm not sure others (more specifically, onlookers) would say the same]. Anycase, here's hoping the gap between now and my next post won't be so long. In the meantime, here's a few snapsnots of my adventures:

Notice anything wrong with my helmet?? Title of my post ring any bells? Travelling in a car can sometimes be pretty monotonous. We did a bit of reading to while the time:)