30 October 2010

what's in my bag?

A while ago, I was tagged (thank you, Abbie) to do a what's in my purse post. My life has been a whirlwind of busy lately so it's taken me longer than I had hoped to do this. But finally I'm getting around to it.

To start off with, I just want to say that I call my purse a bag (short for handbag) and my wallet a purse. Just to clarify :-)

So lets get started:

This is my bag

And my purse



Tissues - very handy


Glasses cleaning cloth




An assortment of lip products

Hand cream in an easy-to-carry size

And my camera. What a great reflection from the computer's screen for me to show it to you:-)

And that's it. The contents of my bag revealed! Hope you enjoyed it. I had lots of fun doing it.

NB: I just realized that I totally forgot to tag anyone for this. So, if you'd like to give this a go because it looks like fun (it is!) then you're tagged. Let me know so I can read it:-)

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