18 October 2010


If a picture were to tell a story, what would this one say?


  1. Hello Jo-Ann
    Just stopping by via 3 from here and there.
    Wanted to see what your photo and story are.

    I think this photo you posted says: Like mined women gathering together to gain understanding!!!????
    Hope you have a great day.

  2. I think is says...being on the fringe. Not quite part of what's going on...no way to participate except to sit on the sidelines? Darn, it's probably just a great music concert!

  3. Hi ladies, I love each suggestion you've made:-) There's no right or wrong answer. I think tha picture says all of those things. I love the fact that they stand out from the rest of the crowd. And they're engaged in what's happening at the front yet a little removed at the same time.
    Thanks for your comments!

  4. i think perhaps a drawing is about to take place! cool vantage point for the 'storytelling' theme. :-)
