31 October 2010
30 October 2010
what's in my bag?
Tissues - very handy
Glasses cleaning cloth
An assortment of lip products
Hand cream in an easy-to-carry size
And my camera. What a great reflection from the computer's screen for me to show it to you:-)
And that's it. The contents of my bag revealed! Hope you enjoyed it. I had lots of fun doing it.
NB: I just realized that I totally forgot to tag anyone for this. So, if you'd like to give this a go because it looks like fun (it is!) then you're tagged. Let me know so I can read it:-)
22 October 2010
i spoke too soon
I just said two days ago that no major overhaul was in the pipeline. Guess even I don't know what to expect around here.
20 October 2010
Since I started blogging, this little blog of mine has taken on more design changes than I care to admit to. I'm just saying, don't be surprised if you visit and I've done a complete overhaul. Not that I plan to do anything remotely like a full makeover right now;) I've also had several name changes so who knows, one day that might change again too! But essentially, behind the aesthetics, (which I love tinkering with) this feels like home now and I've got no plans to leave.
18 October 2010
04 October 2010
under a blossom sky
Update: I deleted it. I give no other explaination but that it was created out of sheer boredom and procrastination and was therefore, stupid.
02 October 2010
on a saturday afternoon
My lovely mum and I went for a little drive the other week to a lake with a beautiful restaurant and had lunch. It was special. Mother daughter time always is:)
Isn't the view just divine?? And I just had to make it a bit arty by including the wine glass in the shot. And as a random side note, that was the best glass of wine I've had in ages! Beautiful.
And amongst photos of beautiful landscapes on the drive back home...
We encountered...well, this.
It made us laugh so much :D
And that's about all that I want to say. Because I feel guilty about procrastinating so I should go and do the thing that I'm really meant to be doing right now aka writing an essay!!