31 October 2010


I don't have a lot of words today or a great story to share, but this pretty much sums up how I feel about grace:

Grace is...
...and I don't deserve it, don't need it and don't want it.
Yet He still offers it. Grace is love of an unconditional brand.

I'm linking with Emily at Chatting at the Sky for the 31 days of grace series

30 October 2010

what's in my bag?

A while ago, I was tagged (thank you, Abbie) to do a what's in my purse post. My life has been a whirlwind of busy lately so it's taken me longer than I had hoped to do this. But finally I'm getting around to it.

To start off with, I just want to say that I call my purse a bag (short for handbag) and my wallet a purse. Just to clarify :-)

So lets get started:

This is my bag

And my purse



Tissues - very handy


Glasses cleaning cloth




An assortment of lip products

Hand cream in an easy-to-carry size

And my camera. What a great reflection from the computer's screen for me to show it to you:-)

And that's it. The contents of my bag revealed! Hope you enjoyed it. I had lots of fun doing it.

NB: I just realized that I totally forgot to tag anyone for this. So, if you'd like to give this a go because it looks like fun (it is!) then you're tagged. Let me know so I can read it:-)

26 October 2010



mercy ~ freedom ~ favour

22 October 2010

i spoke too soon

I've gone and changed it again!

I just said two days ago that no major overhaul was in the pipeline. Guess even I don't know what to expect around here.

20 October 2010


A year ago today, I wrote my very first post. You can go back and look at it if you like, but I'll warn you it's nothing amazing. I had no idea what shape this little piece of bloggyness would take, let alone considering I would stick to it for a year to find out. In saying that, I can't overlook the enormous gap of six months between October and April when there was not a single post written. I never started out with the intention of wowing the world with my amazing writing and fantastically witty and intelligent thoughts. And since I don't claim to be a great writer or philosopher, (which I still don't think I am) it has been nice just to express my thoughts and life happenings no matter how mundane and uninspired they are. They always seem very inspired in my mind but never come out onto the page the same way they start off in the brain. Mind you, I'm not much of a brain person. I'm more of a heart person. I've discovered the heart provides much more depth than the brain and my best writing almost always stems from a heart thought rather than a brain thought. Lets hope I'll keep that in mind for the future of my blogging journey.

Since I started blogging, this little blog of mine has taken on more design changes than I care to admit to. I'm just saying, don't be surprised if you visit and I've done a complete overhaul. Not that I plan to do anything remotely like a full makeover right now;) I've also had several name changes so who knows, one day that might change again too! But essentially, behind the aesthetics, (which I love tinkering with) this feels like home now and I've got no plans to leave.

Highlights from this first year of blogging include considering what it might be like to die, a post dedicated to my pajamas, a once typical day in my life, the beginning of counting a thousand gratitude's, a failed challenge, a blog award (which by the way, I didn't have anyone to tag so if you'd like to be tagged, I tag you. Let me know so I can read it!) very boring study related procrastinations (one of which was creating another blog altogether) and surviving a rather decent sized earthquake! And my favourite posts ever (which I am the most proud of) are here and here. I think I've made a great start, but to be honest, as much as I've enjoyed documenting my own life during the past year, I'm so excited about what's still to come. I'd love it if you'd join me:-) No pressure! And for those of you that have read anything of my blog before now, thanks for giving me the time of day. This random, average, slightly nerdy girl appreciates it very much:-)

18 October 2010


If a picture were to tell a story, what would this one say?

04 October 2010

under a blossom sky

Today I'm thankful for:
- A newly fixed roof
- Four days of work that I really needed (however did you know?!)
- A secure future
- Seeking you in the dark, quiet, secret spaces (they're the best)
- Making me smile
- Children's laughter and joy (Why do we think that we teach children when they have so much to teach us?)
- Renewed grace every day (I so don't deserve it!)
- Knowing exactly who I am (every single crazy contridiction)
- For spring
- For blossom trees
- And for hope that blooms afresh
- I am thankful for You being You and always being that way:-)

Counting #44-55 of one thousand gifts with Ann Voskamp and others @ Holy Experience.


I just created a new blog.
I wonder why?
Go here to find out more!

Update: I deleted it. I give no other explaination but that it was created out of sheer boredom and procrastination and was therefore, stupid.

02 October 2010

on a saturday afternoon

Just for fun and because I'm currently procrastinating...

My lovely mum and I went for a little drive the other week to a lake with a beautiful restaurant and had lunch. It was special. Mother daughter time always is:)

Isn't the view just divine?? And I just had to make it a bit arty by including the wine glass in the shot. And as a random side note, that was the best glass of wine I've had in ages! Beautiful.

And amongst photos of beautiful landscapes on the drive back home...

We encountered...well, this.

It made us laugh so much :D
And that's about all that I want to say. Because I feel guilty about procrastinating so I should go and do the thing that I'm really meant to be doing right now aka writing an essay!!