31 May 2010

it's that time again.

I think this might be the one and only post and write this week. That makes me a little sad:( but it's the truth.

Today is like the calm before the storm. Because this week I have an exam, a huge assignment due, a church-wide leaders meeting, bible study, a workshop, not to mention a normal week of lectures....arrgh. I can just feel the pressure!

This kinda sums it up nicely.

Every moment feels like the clock is ticking and as more time passes, the louder and more obnoxious it gets. Taunting me with the thought that it's going to run out before I get to the finish line. I think that somehow the institution that is the university, takes immense pleasure with bombarding its students with deadlines that are so close together. It's all rather a blur of words and ideas for me at the moment - a few weeks to go then - FREEDOM (aka holidays). Somehow, that thought makes it worth getting through the seemingly endless amount of work that needs to be done between now and then. Once it's done, I'll be able to sit back, relax, enjoy a book and a cuppa curled up on the couch. Ahh, perfect on miserable winter days. Might even take a weekend break somewhere...nice.

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