10 June 2010

a break from the busy.

Sitting down in front of my computer is finally a joy again. I've spent so much time over the last week or more staring at the screen wishing I could be anywhere but there. The workload has been epic! And I don't usually use a word like epic lightly. In this case, I must. It's the only truly fitting word. Today I completed an online test. For 50 minuets of my life, my brain was in a flat out rush to remember everything I had learnt. Since it's now over, I've semi-recovered, with a normal level of brain activity and a somewhat regular heart rate. I'm finally doing something much more pleasurable with my time.

Since my life has been so full of

business and serious study lately,
I thought I'd write a fun post here today.
Well, I really don't feel I have the energy
to think, let alone write something imaginative and creative. So I'll share a little treasure I found while randomly browsing the internet. It's Pride and Prejudice in emoticons. A warning though, if you know the story, you'll most likely love it, or at least find it mildly entertaining. If you don't, I'm afraid it's not going to made any sense at all.


The trail leads

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