26 August 2010


Noticed anything?

Well, maybe just a little.

A little? What are you talking about? I've gone and changed my blog address, blog name, over-all look...changed? Nah! I'd better do some explaining!


I don't know if you've poked around here enough, but since I created a blogging account less than a year ago, it's taken on more names and appearances than I care (or have time) to say without boring you to death. It's been a platform for me to be expressive in a creative way, so the look changed a lot! And I was never quite satisfied, so it changed again. And then I got bored, so it changed again. Just warning you, it might just unexpectedly change with no warning! In saying that, hopefully it won't change name or blog address again. But...who knows!

The reason for the change of name (and hence, address) is because I feel it's more relevant to who I am, overall. I love the small things in life, the insignificant, the simple things. And I think that's what I blog about mostly. So, this is me, simplified.

16 August 2010

thank you.

for never changing. for loving me just the same no matter how I seem to feel about You. for rainbows that remind me of your gently whispered promise. for making me a unique, treasured, set apart daughter. for blessing me in ways that continue to surprise me. for hearing my cry for mercy and faithfully making a way for me. for taking my brokenness and weakness and shining Your glory through it. for never giving up on me.

I would not be
if it weren't for

~Jesus, thank you~

counting my gifts 20-27 with the community @ Holy Experience.

07 August 2010

reflections on the week that was.

I love lists.
Really. I love them. They make me feel quite organised. Even when I'm not.
My life is made up of little lists. To-do lists, goal lists, shopping lists...

Here's my week...
In list form:

I woke up really early almost every day of the week.
I built a rocket ship and went to the moon with my friends at preschool
I got lost while driving to the university
I enjoyed a sunrise and cresent moon at the same time
I got really messy then did lots of cleaning
I was a doctor and a patient on the same day
I bounced on clouds
I rode a trike that was waaaay too small for me
I made shapes and dinner out of sand. Mmm, yum.
I had lunch with my special mother on Thursday
I went to bed late because I had so many things to do

And at the end of the week...I was so tired.


NB: Just so you know, I am working at a preschool at the moment, hence all the abnormal amount of childish things I've been up to. I love kids' imagenary play. Takes me back...magic.

03 August 2010

cultivating a thankful heart.

Thank you, God

4. for peace in the midst of the storm
5. for patience when I need it most!
6. for a sunny bunch of flowers during winter's bleak outlook
7. for inspiration when my mind draws a blank
8. for friends
9. for friends who are leaving but stay close in our hearts, minds and prayers
10. for surprising me at the most unexpected times with just what I need! Why do I still doubt?
11. for steaming hot tea breaks on freezing cold days
12. for hope of the promise yet to come
13. for a warm bed and a soft pillow
14. for quiet mornings
15. for smiles that reveal hearts of joy
16. for sunshiny rays of goodness
17. for special mother daughter moments
18. for secret whispers of Your love before my day begins
19. for colour that just makes me think happyful thoughts

Shared with the gratitude community over @ Holy Eperience.