10 January 2011

heart on my sleeve

Hello dear friends,

If you now find yourself reading this it means that I have mustered up the courage to post this and make a link on facebook for you to see it. It's not a secret, but most of you don't know that I've been here, writing away in private. I generally don't bring up the fact that I write a blog. (By the way, I hate the word 'blog'). And even if I do, I find the thought of someone I know reading it, well, scary.

But, you see, I did this crazy thing of asking God for vision for the coming year. And he made it bigger than I had anticipated. He said that there was more for this little blog than what I had plans for. He said to take risks and do things that scare me. So, here I am. Standing on the edge, taking a risk, doing something that scares me. Scary because I care too much what people think and I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve and I'm vulnerable. And even more scary because I'm going to keep on wearing my heart on my sleeve and being vulnerable and probably still care too much what people think. But the days of private contemplations are over. He's been gently but firmly pushing and prodding me to share my heart more publicly. I inwardly shudder at the thought. It's risky to share heart-thoughts with people, especially ones you know. But in spite of my own nature, I'm taking the leap anyway. And I don't know why this is important yet, but it just is.

So, here's my invitation: join me. Bookmark my 'home on the web', subscribe to my posts, whatever. But promise me, if you do that, don't be a stranger. I want to hear from you. No journey is ever as adventurous as when it's shared. And now that the words are all down on the page, I seem to be at a loss for them. Your turn - leave me a comment, send me an email, or hey, there's facebook too.




  1. Joann,
    I came today to belatedly thank you for your comment on my Pink Saturday post and I am overwhelmed by this post. I feel as if God is prodding me too. I have so much to share and yet I only share the superficial on my blog (hate that word too:) because of the feeling that somebody I know might see it. how BAD is that? Thank you for your inspiring thoughts today. Couldn't think of a better way to start my week.
    Hugs, Suzanne

  2. Of course I'll join you! You really are going to be fearless this year! I can so relate. Every time a friend or family tells me they visited my blog I inwardly shudder. Strange how I don't have an issue with opening up to complete strangers rather then the people I know in the "real world."
