29 September 2010

is Jesus enough?

This challenged me so much.
It's a bit long, but I hope you'll take a few minuets to read it.
I think you'll find it's worth the time invested:-)

“After they had eaten, Jesus asked Simon Peter, 'Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these other things?'” (John 21:15)

If Jesus was all you had, would Jesus be enough for you?

Many precious believers are in love with the things of the Lord, but they are not in love with the Lord Himself. Many Christian workers and ministers are in love with the Lord's work. Almost without realizing it, the work of the Lord becomes more important than the Lord of the work.
There are prophets and teachers who hold words from God in higher esteem than the God Who speaks the works they attribute as bveing from Him. People seek these works and teachings. The more they receive, the more they want. Before one word is digested they are craving another. They are seeking “things” - words, prophecies, teachings, visions, dreams – but they are not seeking the Lord Himself.

Is Jesus enough?

When the saints gather togetherr most of the activity is focused on “one another”. This is important, but it is not the most important thing. Fellowship is good: but is Jesus enough? Gatherings are good: but is Jesus enough? Meetings are good: but is Jesus enough? Special speakers and special music are good: but is Jesus enough? Even with praise and worship it is possible to sing “about” Jesus and not truly worship Jesus. With preaching and it is possible to talk “about” Jsus and not truly meet Jesus in what is shared. In prayer it is possible to talk “about” our needs and never actually commune with Jesus Himself. Among Christians I have discovered something. There is Jesus, and then there are all the things ABOUT Jesus that are NOT Jesus. Jesus Himself occupies only a small portion of what is said and done in Christian circles. Most of what is said and done is merely ABOUT Jesus, but it is NOT Jesus. I have learned that stress, strife, disillusionment, dissatisfaction, bitterness, anger, hurt, misunderstanding, and confusion comes from everything said and done by religious people ABOUT the Lord, and IN THE NAME of the Lord, that does not, in fact, have anything to do with Jesus Himself.

How much of your focus is directed to the things of God, and not to God Himself? How much of your discussion centers on things about Jesus, and not Jesus Himself? Just look around. This brother is focused on end-time events, and that sister is devoted to inner healing. This brother is primarily concerned with prophetic thing, while another sister is keenly interested in spiritual warfare. That brother is deeply involved with theological discussions, while that sister is in love with Christian music. One movementemphasizes this particualar thing, and another group stands for another thing. There may be diversities of gifts and callings. There may be various and sundry things to be involved with. There may be many topics to study and discuss. Many things compete for our time, attention, affection, energy, and money. But there is only one Lord Jesus. Just as some people cannot see the forest for the trees, I believe most sinners cannot see Jesus for the Christians. And I blieve most Christians cannot see Jesus for the “church”.

Is Jesus enough?

Whenever I am ministering to pastors, whatever they think their calling is, I always have them turn to Mark 3:14: “And he ordained twelve, that they sould BE WITH HIM, and that He might send them forth to preach.” You are called to be with Jesus. That is your calling. That is the primary thing, the highest ministry. Going forth to preach or do anything else is of secondary importance. We should be with Jesus; after that, He might send us forth to preach. But before Jesus said, “Go into all the world” He said, “Be with Me.” The call of this not more important than the Lord of the call. The work of the Lord must not replace the Lord of the work. No amount of ministeing FOR the Lord will make up for a lack of ministering TO the Lord. And knowing the Word of God does not necessarily mean that we know the God of the Word. Everyone wants to go and do something for God, but few people are willing to stay and do “nothing” for Him. Jesus asked Peter, “Am I enough for You? Do you love Me more than everything else? Do you love Me more than you love the things about Me?” A few weeks later, when Peter stood with John before the religious rulers to expain the healing of a man who had never walked, “...they marveled; and they took knowledge of [Peter and John], that THEY HAD BEEN WITH JESUS” (Acts 4:13b).

If we will be with Jesus, then Jesus will be with us. The reason the New Testament church had power was not because they spoke in tongues, or held meetings in their living rooms, or had a certain system for planting churches. The secret was they had been with Jesus. But some Christians are more in love with methods and ministries than they are in love with the Man. The prophets and teachers in the church of Antioch were gathered to gether: not to have a house church conference, not to begin a new ministry, not to discuss the latest prophetic word or the newest teaching, not the exchange ideas on how to grow the church, not to fellowship, not to share a meal, not to minister to one another. But “as they ministered TO THE LORD, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said...(Acts 13:2a). Paul and his fellow workers had many souls to save, many disciples to make, many churches to plact, many places to visit, many messages to deliver, many letters to write. There were many needs to be met, many doors of opportunity before them. But the work was suspended. Activity ceased. Ministry came to a standstill. Fellowship and food were forgotten. The prophets were there, but the prophets did not prophesy. The teachers were there, but they did not teach. Instead, they ministered to the Lord. The focus shifted from horizontal to vertical. The emphasiswas directed away from man and man's needs, and onto the Lord and His Need. They were brsy being with Jesus. They were at His feet. So when the Holy Ghost finally spoke, they were ready to go forth. Thus began the first missionary journey of Paul.

When apostles love church planting and mission work more than Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When prophets love their prophecies, dreams, and visions more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When evangelists love traveling, preaching, and holding meetings more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When pastors love their church services and building programs more than they love Jeusus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When teachers love their teachings more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When musicians love their music more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough. When writers love their writings more than they love Jesus, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough.

And when the simplest disciples grow tired of “just” being with Jesus, and begin to long for something bigger, something better, something greater, something more powerful, something other than what they have in Jesus already, then they are saying that Jesus is not enough.
If Jesus was all you had, would Jesus be enough for you? Or do you have to have all the “trappings” of Christianity, all the bells and whistle, all the toys and trinkets?

Make no mistake: there is no life in the things that are ABOUT Jesus. There is life only in Jesus Himself. If you are dissatisfied and disappointed with your Christian walk today, it is only because of one thing: Jesus is not enough for you. Somewhere along the loce, something else became more important than Jesus. Maybe you have become focused on the thing ABOUT Jesus that are NOT Jesus. There is only one solution. You do not need more of the Lord, because He has already given Himself completely to you already. You just need less of everything else.

Remember. Remember what it was like to hear His Voice, to be so filled with passion and love for Him, that you wanted nothing more than to sit at His feet, and hear His Word. Remember what it was like to just be with Jesus. Go back to when Jesus first called you to be with Him. Go back to the time when all you had was Him. Go back to the time before you were planting churches, speaking prophetic words, preaching to the unsaved, pastoring the congregation, teaching the people, or leading worship. Go back to the time when there was no work, no ministry, no vision, no special calling – except Jesus calling you to be with Him. Remember when you said, “He's all I need!” So what happened?

I pray the Lord will draw us after Himself and make us thouroughly sick and tired of things – especially the things that are ABOUT Him, but are NOT Him.

God so loved the workd that He gave His Only Son, Jesus.

Well...is Jesus enough?

Written by Chip Brogden

20 September 2010


Joy is looking and comprehending nature's most beautiful gift
Albert Einstein

19 September 2010


I got exactly half way in my month challenge for September and then stopped. Just stopped. FAIL! And to be honest, since I've missed days, I'm not going to try and make up for it. It was fun but it's official, I don't do well with completing something I started. And since this is my blog, and can therefore do anything I want, I'm not going to stress about it...

15 September 2010

day fifteen - a guilty pleasure.

Not a lot of thought needed for this one:-)

14 September 2010

day fourteen - a song to play at your wedding.

I like this song regardless of whether it gets played at my wedding or not.

September Challenge

12 September 2010

day twelve - a place you'd like to revisit.

I know it says top place, but there are two top places I would like to revisit. And they are:


~and Scotland~

September Challenge

11 September 2010

day eleven - your dream holiday.

Ohhh, so many places I would love to travel to. But if I (somehow) had money tomorrow and could go anywhere in the world, I'd go to:



~the Greek Islands~

~and I'd just stop off in Fiji on my way back home~

Ahhh, the perfect holiday amidst beauty and sunshine.

September Challenge

10 September 2010

day ten - a childhood photo.

This is me when I was six years old:-) Aw, I was cute.

September Challenge

09 September 2010

day nine - a photo you took.

Here's a photo I took of Daisy. I have lots of other pictures that are far more beautiful and artistic but this one just makes me laugh!

08 September 2010

day eight - a thank you letter to someone who changed your life.

Dear Mum

I don't think words can say how much I love you and how much you've done to help me become the woman I am today.

Thank you.


07 September 2010

treasures in jars of clay.

I am surrounded by people still reeling from an event that will likely be remembered for the remainder of their lives. I know that I will. Three days ago, my city was struck by an earthquake. A big one. And we are still feeling it's effects. Aftershocks have now become normal for us and I no longer jump when I feel the house moving. I still occasionally wake up in the night because a sudden jolt of the earth interrupts my peaceful bliss. Yet for all this, I am humbled at how blessed we are. As a city and as a nation, we have suffered no casualties, only building damage. As a family, we have lost some roof tiles. And as an individual, I have lost a precious perfume bottle which was bought for me for as a birthday gift. I fell in love with it when I first saw it. It was beautiful and delicate and bespoke intricate refinement. I filled it with a perfume that held a precious memory for me. My grandmother had Alzheimer's disease in the years before her death. On the very last night that I saw her, (she didn't remember who I was) she asked me where my husband was. Keep in mind that I was 11 at the time! She said other hilarious, nonsensical things that stuck in my mind and ever since, and it has been the way I remember her. A funny, quirky, forgetful, lovely old lady. When she died in 2001, we bought a yellow rose which we planted in her memory. It had a beautiful, distinctive fragrance and one day I found a perfume which smelled just like it. I bought it and put it in the bottle, the one which broke three days ago. Yet having said so, I have lost nothing. Sure, a bottle of perfume. But I still hold the memory. Yes, some roof tiles. But they are going to be repaired and replaced. My family is safe and well. And truly, my city has lost some beautiful and historically significant buildings but its people are alive and well. And for all we have lost, and as much as I grieve for what we have lost, I have gained something more precious, more beautiful. I have considered my treasures. Re-examined my priorities and my values. And after doing this, I have realised that they are truly not found in material things. My treasures are stored in a place where they cannot be destroyed, cannot fade away into nothing. No amount of earthly corrosion and destruction can affect them. They are safe. And knowing this, my heart is filled with peace and tranquil stillness. It breathes a sigh. It finds rest. In the midst of terror and confusion, I stand on solid ground. My rock, who is the same today as He was yesterday that He will be tomorrow.

Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. ~Ps. 62:5-6

But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. ~2 Cor 4:7


Day seven of September Challenge- a memory

And unwrapping and celebrating the small things at chatting at the sky

tuesdays unwrapped at cats

06 September 2010

my God, in whom i trust.

For your mighty hand of protection, your mercy, for being more than enough, running water, working electricity, lifting our burdens and carrying them on strong shoulders, for life, health, good weather, peaceful hearts, certainty, for your faithfulness, your love, for forgiveness, for boldness, for courage...thank you.

I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." If you make the Most High your dwelling - even the Lord, who is my refuge - then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. ~ Ps. 91:2 & 9-11

Counting 28-43 of one thousand gifts @ Holy Experience.

day six - five things you can't live without.

1. Running water
One of the very basics that I would not be able to survive without. Having it forms the basis of so many other life necessities.

2. Tea
Oh, I could not live my life without a least two-three cups of tea a day...minimum.

3. Shampoo
I would like to include conditioner in here too but when it comes down to it, I can't stand dirty hair.

4. My family
Very important this one. I simply could not live without my family around me. They are so influential to who I am and what I love.

5. My Bible
Last, but definitely not least, my Bible is the item which I could not live without. It would just be too hard.

This is part of my September Challenge

05 September 2010

day five - a favourite quote

"One can never consent to creep when one feels the impulse to soar" - Helen Keller

September Challenge

04 September 2010

i feel the earth. move. under my feet.

Today is not an ordinary day.
Today is extraordinary.
It is memorable.
It is different because...

...I woke up and everything was moving. I think it was the sound that woke me up but I'm not sure - it was loud and intrusive and it didn't take a moment for me to wake up. I was asleep and then I was awake. Simple as that. By the time my eyes had opened, I was already sitting up in my bed and my brain was working overtime. It felt like my thinking process took forever because everything felt so foreign but in fact it was probably less than a second. My feet hit the floor before I told them to and I felt around the sides of my bed as I usually do when it's dark. My fingers found the door handle. I opened it and stepped out. It was hard to walk straight. My heart was beating really fast and everything around me was was so loud and I don't remember what I was thinking. I opened my parents door and simply said "get up". My mother came out of the darkness and I felt her next to me and she passed me with "Thank you, Jesus" and she went on to my brothers bedroom. I can't describe my thought process. I don't fully remember. But we all got up, each fumbled around in our dark spaces to find clothing. Find light. And get out. Just get out. Yet in the midst of the noise, the chaos, the uncertainty, the danger...I found peace. Peace that transcended all my limited understanding of what was happening to my world. For this morning, at 4:35am, we were struck with an earthquake. Praise you, Jesus, for your care and protection.

These photos were taken in the centre of town. Thankfully the damage is not nearly so bad where I live. The CBD has been the worst affected, as there were many old buildings. We are fortunate that housing in the majority of the suburbs have withstood the force well. Our city has been and continues to be in a civil state of emergency and still continue to feel aftershocks (in fact, I just felt another one). Thank you, Jesus, there have been no lives lost. People have begun to say that it's a miracle that we were hit by a 7.1 magnitude earthquake and have had no casualties. God has His hand of protection over my beloved home. To Him be all the praise and glory. I'm off to bed now. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep without too much disturbance:-) If you'd like more details, try here.

day four - a favourite tv show.

Ok. So now comes the time when I admit to the world that I am...a gleek. I love Glee. Love it. It's a little cheesy, I know, but there's just something about it that gets me excited about Friday night TV. I love that there are songs to sing-along and songs that are new to me and I think, "Oh, I have to look that one up cause it's a goody". And they have a fabulously diverse cast that portray a variety of personalities and characterizations of the typical teenager. Not that I ever was one - a typical teenager, that is:-)

So yeah. I would include a blub about my day here, but it's the kind of day worthy of a post all of its very own. You might even know what I mean;)

03 September 2010

day three - a favourite book.

Again, too many favourites to mention. So this is not the top of the 'favourite' pile, just one of my top picks:-)

Persuasion by Jane Austen. At heart, a simple story about lost love and the possibility of second chances. Love it. I won't divulge the plot. Either you know it already, have a fair idea about it or have never heard of it and will consequently look it up on Google. But whichever category you put yourself in, I do highly recommend it.

02 September 2010

day two - a favourite movie.

I have lots of favourite movies. They generally tend to stay within the range of chick flicks, dramas, period dramas (yes, definitely love those), some action and occasionally even a psychological suspense/thriller. So I thought I'd go with something a little bit different, something that surprised me the first time I watched it. And once it had got my attention, it captivated and intrigued me the more times I watched it. It's a little french gem (although, I will warn you, if you are easily offended, you may disagree with my taste. There are a few questionable undercurrents and scenes that don't sit right and I'm the first one to admit that I don't love that). However, I love the movie as a whole. It's complex. It has twists and turns and ups and downs that leave you wondering what just happened and totally in the dark about what's coming next. You never know what's going to happen next. Never. Yet it's not a scary thriller, which I love about it. As much as I love rom-coms, they do leave something to be desired regarding their average, predictable endings. No such thing with this one, and it is...

As adults, best friends Julien and Sophie continue the odd game they started as children -- a fearless competition to outdo one another with daring and outrageous stunts. Part ultra-modern cartoon fairy-tale, part bold psychological probe into the games we play in life and love, the tale starts, as many classic fairytales do, with two unhappy children. Julien is endlessly energetic and precociously brilliant, but unable to bear the heartbreak of his mother's impending death. Sohpie is wildly imaginative, mischievous and determined to be different, yet in search of someone who'll both accept and love her. But the game becomes something far larger and more thrilling than the sad and disappointing world around them. Will it ultimately destroy or save its players?

Loosely translated, the title means 'Children's Games' which I think is more fitting than the official english title 'Love Me if You Dare'. I'm not sure if it's a very widely available movie, but definately worth a watch.


I've walked the dog to post a letter.
Been window shopping with my mum on her day off .
Went all the way to university only to tell my friend 'I told you so' because there was no class.
Spent the evening watching tv and writing this blog post. Yes, very productive, I know.

To read about my September Challenged, go here.

01 September 2010

time for a september challenge.

Hello September!! Which also means: Hello Spring! You've been a long time coming or so it seems. The days are lengthening. How I've missed the sun's sun-shinery goodness!

September also welcomes a challenge for me (which I'll explain in a bit) and a plethora of university assignments due ON THE SAME DAY!! That being day number 24. Do I have permission to somewhat freak out about how much there is to do in so little time?! Arrrrgh!! Calm down. I'm sure it will be fine. I'm just hoping to chip away at it a little every day and then it will all magical fall into place on the day without any major stressfulness. As to the other challenge I mentioned, let me introduce to you my September Challenge: A question or piece of information to share every day for thirty days. The point is, hopefully, to share more about myself without going completely overboard and boring you. Well, that's the plan anyhow.


Well, you'd think that it would be easy to start off with, right? At first glance, I suppose it is quite a simple question but I think it's so hard for me to pick just one! But after much careful contemplation, the final pick is...

So, tough decision to narrow it down but it did ask for only one of my favourites:-)
It all really depends on my mood, which dictates the music I choose to listen to - right now, it's jazz and a bit of Ella goes down a treat.

Today I am recovering from a cold, procrastinating from doing study and desperate to do my nails. They've gone for a week with a lovely shade of orange (which I never thought I'd like but I love) and they're looking tacky. So I shall be off to do that then!